Given string A representative a positive integer which has Ndigits, remove any k digits of the number, the remaining digits are arranged according to the original order to become a new positive integer.
Find the smallest integer after remove k digits.
N <= 240 and k <= N,
Given an integer A =
, k = 4
return a string
class Solution { public: string DeleteDigits(string A, int k) { if(A.length() < k) return A; int j = 0; while(j < A.length()-1 && k > 0) { if(A[j]>A[j+1]){ A.erase(j,1); k--; if(j>0)j--; } else j++; } A = A.substr(0, A.length()-k); int index = A.find_first_not_of("0"); return A.substr(index); } };